Fashion week – NY East Village Swag

Sharing some NY Fashion Week swag.  East Village is oozing with swag and these ladies nail it.

Share this Fashion Week inspirational quote from Clydes Bonnie on your social network.  Lean in and embrace your manly virtues!  It’s far better to have others run from you than running away from yourself.

On a side note, I’m feeling like Friedrich Nietzsche would have loved the Beyonce “Slay” video.  Women should own their sexuality without apology.

If a women possesses manly virtues one should run away from her; and if she does not possess them she runs away from herself. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Fashion Week East Village Swag

Coco Chanel quote

“If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.”  A CoCo Chanel quote that will inspire you to buy more lipstick.

If you find yourself stuck in a funk, you’ll find that a bit of lipstick can lift your mood just enough to bring out that instinctive punch.  Share this Coco Chanel quote from Clydes Bonnie on your social network and demonstrate your attacking potential.


Coco Chanel quote
Coco Chanel quote