Quotes Archives | clydes bonnie the kind of buzz you just can't kill Mon, 27 Jun 2016 20:56:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://clydesbonnie.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/cropped-MG_9175-Edit-2-e1444705028392-32x32.jpg Quotes Archives | clydes bonnie 32 32 Inspirational quote to speak up https://clydesbonnie.com/inspirational-quote-to-speak-up/ https://clydesbonnie.com/inspirational-quote-to-speak-up/#comments Mon, 27 Jun 2016 20:56:52 +0000 http://clydesbonnie.com/?p=131 Sharing this inspirational quote to speak up. Share this inspirational quote to speak up from Clydes Bonnie on your social network.  The time to speak up is now.  

The post Inspirational quote to speak up appeared first on clydes bonnie.

Sharing this inspirational quote to speak up.

Share this inspirational quote to speak up from Clydes Bonnie on your social network.  The time to speak up is now.

Mitch Albom inspirational quote to speak up


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Coco Chanel quote https://clydesbonnie.com/coco-chanel-quote/ https://clydesbonnie.com/coco-chanel-quote/#comments Thu, 10 Mar 2016 00:08:38 +0000 http://clydesbonnie.com/?p=106 “If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.”  A CoCo Chanel quote that will inspire you to buy more lipstick. If you find yourself stuck in a funk, you’ll find that a bit of lipstick can lift your mood just enough to bring out that instinctive punch.  Share this Coco Chanel quote from Clydes Bonnie...

The post Coco Chanel quote appeared first on clydes bonnie.

“If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.”  A CoCo Chanel quote that will inspire you to buy more lipstick.

If you find yourself stuck in a funk, you’ll find that a bit of lipstick can lift your mood just enough to bring out that instinctive punch.  Share this Coco Chanel quote from Clydes Bonnie on your social network and demonstrate your attacking potential.


Coco Chanel quote
Coco Chanel quote

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Inspirational quote – Actually, I can https://clydesbonnie.com/inspirational-quote/ https://clydesbonnie.com/inspirational-quote/#comments Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:09:58 +0000 http://clydesbonnie.com/?p=99 Sharing this inspirational quote because I can. Share this inspirational quote from Clydes Bonnie on your social network.  Let your friends and haters know how you really feel.  

The post Inspirational quote – Actually, I can appeared first on clydes bonnie.

Sharing this inspirational quote because I can.

Share this inspirational quote from Clydes Bonnie on your social network.  Let your friends and haters know how you really feel.


Inspirational quote I can
Inspirational quote I can

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Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel Quote https://clydesbonnie.com/clydes-bonnie-coco-chanel-quote/ https://clydesbonnie.com/clydes-bonnie-coco-chanel-quote/#comments Sat, 06 Feb 2016 22:26:07 +0000 http://clydesbonnie.com/?p=88 If you don’t care about what people think, this Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote is for you. Share this Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote from Clydes Bonnie on your socials.

The post Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel Quote appeared first on clydes bonnie.

If you don’t care about what people think, this Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote is for you.

Share this Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote from Clydes Bonnie on your socials.

Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote
Clydes Bonnie Coco Chanel quote

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